Customer Care

Where can I find merchant deals and coupons?

Merchant coupons and deals are listed to the right of the Sprint Points indicated by a number and a ticket icon. For example, a ticket with the number 5 next to it means there are 5 active deals and or coupons. Click on the ticket to see the offers. If available, you earn both the deal and the Sprint Points. If a ticket icon is not shown, then no special deals are being offered at that time.

  • Deals with coupon codes will have a scissor icon next to a promo code, to get the coupon simply click the promo code and it will say “copied.” Now just shop on the merchant site and when you get to the check out, you will be given an option to enter a promo code. Simply right click on the promo code cell and click “paste” and your coupon is applied to the sale.
  • Deals without coupon codes simply click on the text within the deal and click “Shop Now” and you will automatically be given the deal when you check out.
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