Customer Care
How do I uninstall the Sprint Points Shopping Assistant from my computer?
You can temporarily disable the Shopping Assistant or Uninstall the Application. Directions for both are as follows:
Internet Explorer
To Disable: Click on the Tools menu and click on Add-ons. From the Add-ons menu, locate the Shopping Assistant and click the disable button that appears at the bottom of the Add-ons window.
To Uninstall: Open Programs and Features by clicking the Start/Windows button, click Control Panel, then click Programs and Features. Select The Shopping Assistant and Shopping Assistant Helper. If you’re prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password to provide confirmation.
To Disable: Click on “preferences” and navigate to the “extensions” tab. Click the “uninstall” button.
To Uninstall: Click on “preferences” and navigate to the “extensions” tab. Then click the “uninstall” button.
To Disable: Click on “preferences” and navigate to the “extensions” tab. Then uncheck the “Enable Shopping Assistant” box.
To Uninstall: Click on “preferences” and navigate to the “extensions” tab. Then click the “uninstall” button.
To Disable: Go to Tools>Add-ons>Select “Shopping Assistant” and click “Disable.”
To Uninstall: Go to Tools>Add-ons>Select “Shopping Assistant” and click “Remove.”